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Quarterly International Finance Data


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BOP: Balance of Payment (BOP) is the difference between economic transactions (import and export of goods and services, and income; those involving financial claims on, and liabilities to, the rest of the world; and those (such as gifts) classified as transfers, which involve offsetting entries to balance-in an accounting sense-one-sided transactions.) of Ghanaian residents and non-residents. All figures are in Millions of US Dollars
CAB: Current account balance (CAB) is the sum of net exports of goods and services, net primary income, and net secondary income in current millions of U.S. dollars.
CAPB: Capital Account Balance (CAPB) is the credit and debit entries for non-produced non-financial assets and capital transfers between residents of Ghana and non-Ghanaian residents. All figures are millions of US Dollars
FDI: Foreign Direct Investment Inflow is the net inflows of investment to acquire a lasting management interest (10 percent or more of voting stock) in an enterprise operating by non-Ghanaians in the Ghanaian economy. All figures are in millions of US Dollars
NOT: Net Official Transfers (NOT) are transfers to and from International Organisations the International Monetary Fund (IMF) refer to financial transactions between member countries and the IMF. These transactions are typically related to a country's membership in the IMF and its participation in various IMF programs and activities.
NPT: Net Private Transfers (NPT) consist of transfer payment between Governments of Ghana and the rest of the world including international organisations Ghana is part of.