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Fiscal Policy Indicators(Annual)
Annual GDP Growth
Population (15 years and older who attended school in the past) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Education, and Sex
Average Household Size by Type of Locality, District, and Region
Bathing Facility Used by Households by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Population by Place of Birth, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Population by Place of Birth, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Children (5-14 years old) in Economic Activity by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Education, and Sex
Children (5-14 years old) in Economic Activity by Industry, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Education, and Sex
Commodity Prices
Main Source of Cooking Fuel used by Households by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Cooking Space Used by Households by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Population 3 Years and Older Currently Attending School by Level, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, and Sex
Economic Activity Status of Population 15 Years and Older by Sex, Age, Locality, Region and Education
Monthly Public Debt Stock
Defaecation Point Used by Households Without Toilet Facility by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Population (5 years and older) by Difficulty Status, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Education, and Sex
Main Source of water for Other Domestic Use by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Economic Activity of Population (15 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Education, and Sex
Emigration of Ghanaians 15 years and older by place of destination, activity status, sex and region 2010
Employment Sector of Population 15 Years and Older by Sex, Age, Locality, Region and Education
Employment Status of Population 15 Years and Older by Sex, Age, Locality, Region and Education
Population by Major Ethnic Group, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Exchange Rate
Number of Children Ever Born by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, and Education level of Mother
Number Of Children Ever Born to 12 to 19 Year Old Women by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, and Education level of Mother
Number of Children Surviving by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, and Education level of Mother
Number of Surviving Children Born to 12 to 19 Year Old Women by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, and Education level of Mother
Mean Age at First Birth by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, and Education level of Mother
Mean Number Of Children Ever Born by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, and Education level of Mother
Mean Number Of Children Surviving Born by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, and Education level of Mother
Number of Children Born in the last 12 Months by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, and Education level of Mother
Number of Surviving Children Born in the last 12 Months by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, and Education level of Mother
Financial Sector Soundness
Fiscal Policy Indicators(Monthly)
Main Construction Material of Floor of Dwelling Unit by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Population (5 years and older) by Difficulty in Seeing, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Education and Sex
Monthly Fuel Consumption in Ghana
Literate Population (6 years and older) by Ghanaian Language of Literacy, District, Region,Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Population by Health Coverage Status, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Population (5 years and older) by Difficulty in Hearing, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Education and Sex
Household Size by Type of Locality, District, and Region
Population (3 years and older) by Highest Level of Education, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age and Sex
Household Use of Toilet Facility Category of Households by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Reasons for Being Outside the Labour Force of Population 15 Years and Older by Sex, Age, Locality, Region and Education
Main Economic Sectors of Employment of Population 15 Years and Older by Sex, Age, Locality, Region and Education
Employed Population (15 Years and Older) by Industry of Employment, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Education, and Sex
Quartely Informal Growth
Informal Sector Employment of Population 15 Years and Older by Sex, Age, Locality, Region and Education, Employment Status
Aquaculture Institutions by Type of Holding Facility, Type of Production System, Locality, and Region
Aquaculture Institutions by Type of Holding Facility, Type of Tenure Arrangement, and Region
Aquaculture Institutions by Type of Holding Facility, Production Establishment, and Region
Cost of Fish Produced by Type of Species, Scale of Production, Locality, and Region
Quantity of Fish Produced (mts) by Type of Species, Scale of Production, Locality, and Region
Quantity of Fish Sold (mts) by Type of Species, Scale of Production, Locality, and Region
Quantity Sold (mts) by Aquaculture Institutions by Type of Species, Type of Holding Facility, and Region
Quantity Produced (mts) by Aquaculture Institutions by Type of Species, Type of Holding Facility, and Region
Quantity Sold (mts) by Aquaculture Institutions by Type of Species, Type of Holding Facility, and Region
Quantity (mts) from Aquaculture Institutions by Type of Species, Type of Production System, and Region
Capture Fisheries Institutions by Type of Capture Fisheries, Type of Locality, and Region
Capture Fisheries Institutions by Type of Vessels, Type of Capture Fisheries, and Region
Capture Fisheries Institutions by Type of Capture Fisheries, Type of Ownership of Canoe, Type of Locality, and Region
Capture Fisheries Institutions by Type of Fishing Gear used, Type of Capture Fisheries, and Region
Capture Fisheries Institutions by Type of Capture Fisheries, Type of Vessel Used, Quantity (Landed and Sold), and Region
Quantity (MTS) from Capture Fisheries Institutions in Landed Fishing by Type of Landed Fish Species, Quantity (Landed and Sold), and Region
Quantity (MTS) from Capture Fisheries Institutions in Marine Fishing by Type of Marine Fish Species, Quantity (Landed and Sold), and Region
Arable Crop Institutions by Type of Arable Crop, Type of Locality, and Region
Arable Crop Institutions by Type of Arable Crop, Agro-Ecological Zone, and Region
Herbs, Spices and Condiment Crop Institutions by Type of Herbs, Spices and Condiment, Ecological Zone, and Region
Horticultural Crop Institutions by Type of Horticultural Crops, Ecological Zone, and Region
Industrial Crop Institutions by Type of Industrial Crops, Ecological Zone, and Region
Leafy Vegetable Institutions by Type of Leafy Vegetables, Ecological Zone, and Region
Non-Leafy Vegetable Institutions by Type of Non-Leafy Vegetables, Ecological Zone, and Region
Pulses and Legume Institutions by Type of Pulses and Legumes, Ecological Zone, and Region
Starchy Staples Crop Institutions by Type of Starchy Staples, Ecological Zone, and Region
Arable Crop Institutions by Type of Arable Crop, Cropping System, Type of Locality, and Region
Arable Crop Institutions by Type of Arable Crop, Land Tenure System (Number), Locality, and Region
Arable Crop Institutions by Type of Arable Crop, Type of Cropping System, Plot Size, and Region
Arable Crop Institutions by Type of Arable Crops, Use of Fertilizer, and Region
Arable Crop Institutions by Type of Arable Crops, Use of Irrigation, and Region
Arable Crop Institutions by Type of Arable Crops, Use of Pesticide, and Region
Arable Crop Institutions by Type of Arable Crops, Use of Protective Cover, and Region
Arable Crop Institutions by Type of Arable Crop, Ecological Zone, Type of Locality, and Region
Arable Crop Institutions by Type of Arable Crop, Purpose of Production, Type of Locality, and Region
Cost of Production (GH₵) for Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Scale, Type of Locality,and Region
Quantity (mts) of Arable Crop Type Produced by Holders 15 Years or Older by Scale of Production, Type of Locality, and Region
Quantity (mts) of Arable Crop Type Sold by Holders 15 Years or Older by Quantity Sold, Type of Locality, and Region
Agricultural institutions by type of locality and type of land tenure arrangement, and by type of agricultural activity
Agricultural institutions by type of locality, type of land tenure arrangement and by status of documentation of the tenure arrangement
Number of Agricultural Institutions by Type of Agricultural Equipment, Ownership and Use of Equipment, Type of Locality, and Region
Number of Agricultural Institutions by Ownership and Use of Equipment, Locality of Institution and Region
Population (5 years and older) by Difficulty in Remembering or Concentrating, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Education and Sex
Interest Rates
Quarterly International Finance Data
Literate Population (6 years and older) by Language of Literacy, District, Region,Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Literate Population (6 years and older) by Number of Languages Spoken, Language of Literacy, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Level of Completion of Residential Structures by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Level of Completion of Structures by District, Region, and Type of Locality and region
Literacy Status of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Main Source of Lighting for Household by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Main Source of Drinking Water for Households by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Share of Managerial Positions of Population 15 Years and Older by Sex, Age, Locality, Region and Education
Population (12 years and older) by Marital Status, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Mean Hourly Earnings(Cedis) by Age, Sex, Region, Type of Locality and Education
Median Hourly Earnings(Cedis) by Age, Sex, Region, Type of Locality and Education
Monetary Variables
Multidimensional Poverty Metrics by Education Level of the Head of Household, District, and Region
Multidimensional Poverty Metrics by Industry of the Head of Household, District, and Region
Multidimensional Poverty Metrics by Locality, District, and Region
Multidimensional Poverty Metrics by Sex of the Head of Household, District, and Region
Contributors to Multidimensional Poverty by District and Region
National Index
National Inflation
Population by Nationality, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Youth Population (15-35 Years) Not in Employment, Education, Training (NEET) by Sex, Age, Region, Locality
Nominal Annual GDP
Number of Rooms in Dwelling Unit by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Main Occupation of Employed Population 15 Years and Older by Sex, Age, Locality, Region and Education
Children (5-14 years old) in Economic Activity by Occupation, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Education, and Sex
Employed Population (15 Years and Older) by Occupation, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Education, and Sex
Ownership Structure of Dwelling Unit by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Ownership of Functional Smartphone of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Ownership of Functional Phone (Non-Smartphone) of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Ownership of Functional Tablet of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Ownership of Functional Laptop of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Ownership of Functional Mobile Phone Type (smart and/or non-smart) of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Population (5 years and older) by Physical Disability, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Education and Sex
Population by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, and Sex
Population (12 years and older) by Marital Status, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Population by Religious Affiliation, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Population (3 Years and Older) Currently Attending School by Level, District, Region, Type of Locality, age, and Sex
Household Population by Sex, Relationship to Head of Household and Region
Population by District, Region, Type of Locality, Single Age, Sex, and Education
Population by District, Region, Type of Locality2, Single Age, and Sex
Producer Price Index
Producer Price Inflation
Fiscal Policy Indicators(Quarterly)
Quartely Real Informal Sector GDP
Quartely Nominal GDP
Quartely Real GDP
Quartely GDP Growth
Real Annual GDP
Regional Index
Regional Inflation
Population by Religious Affiliation, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Residential Structures by Region, District, Type of Locality and Type of Structure
Main Construction Material for Roof of Dwelling Unit by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Population (3 years and older) by School Attendance Status, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age and Sex
Employed population (15 years and older) by Sector of Employment, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Education, and Sex
Population (5 years and older) by Difficulty in Self-care, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Education and Sex
Use of Improved Water Sources and Basic Drinking Water Services for Households by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Population (5 years and older) by Severity of Difficulty in Preforming Activities by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Education and Sex
Number of Sleeping Rooms in Dwelling Unit by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Method of Solid Waste Disposal of Households by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Population (5 years and older) by Difficulty in Speech, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Education and Sex
Employed population (15 years and older) by Employment Status, District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Education, and Sex
Solid Waste Storage for Households by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Type of Structure by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Agricultural Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Crop, Sex of Holder, Type of Locality, and Region
Quantity (MTS) from Capture Fisheries Institutions in Marine Fishing by Type of Marine Fish Species, Quantity (Landed and Sold), and Region
Livestock Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Categories of Livestock, Age, Type of Locality and Region
Livestock Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Categories of Livestock, Type of Housing Practiced, Type of Locality and Region
Livestock holders 15 years or older by Sex, Categories of Livestock, Purpose of Production, Type of Locality and Region
Livestock Population by Categories of Livestock, Type of Locality and Region
Livestock Population of Ruminant by Type of Livestock and Region
Livestock Population of Non-Ruminant by Type of Livestock and Region
Livestock Population of Non-Traditional Livestock by Type of Livestock and Region
Livestock Population of Poultry by Type of Livestock and Region
Quantity (number) of Livestock by Sex of Livestock Holder, Categories of Livestock, Phases of Livestock Production, and Region
Quantity (number) by Categories of Livestock, Quantity of Livestock, Off-take, Type of Locality and Region
Quantity (number) by Categories of livestock, Type of Livestock Off-take, Type of Locality and Region
Quantity(number) by Type of locality, Categories of livestock, Quantity produced, Quantity sold, Cost of production(GHC) and Region
Quantity Produced (number) by Categories of Livestock, Type of Locality and Region
Quantity Sold (number) by Categories of Livestock, Type of Locality and Region
Cost of Production (GHC) by Categories of Livestock, Type of Locality and Region
Livestock Holders 15 years or older by Categories of Livestock, Livestock Produce, Type of Locality and Region
Quantity of Livestock by Categories of Livestock, Livestock Produce, Type of Locality and Region
Livestock Holders 15-35 years (youth) by Sex, Categories of Livestock, Age, Type of Locality and Region
Livestock Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Educational Attainment, Type of Locality and Region
Livestock Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Categories of Livestock, Educational Attainment, Type of Locality and Region
Livestock Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Categories of Livestock, Literacy type, Type of Locality and Region
Livestock Holders 15 years or older by Categories of Livestock, Nationality, Type of Locality and Region
Livestock Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Categories of Livestock, Disability Status, Type of Locality and Region
Livestock Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Categories of Livestock, Type of Disability, Type of locality and Region
Livestock Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of housing practiced, Type of Locality and Region
Forest Tree Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Tree Species, Type of Locality and Region
Forest Tree Holders 15 years or older by Type of Market-Oriented Classification, Nationality, Type of Locality and Region
Forest Tree Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Market-Oriented Classification, Disability Status, Type of Locality and Region
Land Parcels by Type of Market-Oriented Classification, Size (acres), Type of Locality and Region
Land Parcels by Type of Policy-Oriented Classification, Size (acres), Type of Locality and Region
Forest Tree Holders 15 years or older by Type of Market-Oriented Classification, Scale of Production, Type of Locality and Region
Forest Tree Holders 15 years or older by Type of Policy-Oriented Classification, Scale of Production, Type of Locality and Region
Forest Tree Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Market-Oriented Classification, Land Tenure Arrangement and Region
Forest Tree Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Policy-Oriented Classification, Land Tenure Arrangement and Region
Quantity of Forest Trees Produced from Institutions by Type of Market-Oriented Classification, Type of Species, Type of Locality and Region
Forest Tree Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Market-Oriented Classification, Age and Region
Forest Tree Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Policy-Oriented Classification, Age and Region
Forest Tree Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Market-Oriented Classification, Age, Type of Locality and Region
Forest Tree Holders 15-35 years (youth) by Sex, Type of Market-Oriented Classification, Age, Type of Locality and Region
Forest Tree Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Market-Oriented Classification, Educational Attainment and Region
Forest Tree Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Policy-Oriented Classification, Educational Attainment and Region
Forest Tree Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Market-Oriented Classification, Educational Attainment, Type of Locality and Region
Forest Tree Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Market-Oriented Classification, Literacy Status and Language, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural Institutions by Type of Agricultural Activity, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural Institutions by Number of all Institutions, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural Institutions by Number of Agricultural Activities, Type of Locality and Region
Tree Crop Institutions by Type of Crop, Type of Locality, Type of Cropping System and Region
Land Parcels of Tree Crop Institutions by Type of Crop, Type of Land Tenure Arrangement and Region
Land Parcels of Tree Crop Institutions by Type of Crop, Size (acres) of Parcel and Region
Tree Crop Institutions by Type of Crop, Use of Fertilizer and Region
Tree Crop Institutions by Type of Crop, Use of Pesticides and Region
Tree Crop Institutions by Type of Crop, Use of Irrigation and Region
Tree Crop Institutions by Type of Crop, Type of Locality, Agro-Ecological Zone and Region
Tree Crop Institutions by Type of Crop, Type of Locality, Purpose of Production and Region
Quantity Produced (mts) from Tree Crop Institution by Type of Crop, Type of Locality and Region
Quantity Sold (mts) from Tree Crop Institution by Type of Crop, Type of Locality and Region
Cost of Production (GHC) from Tree Crop Institution by Type of Crop, Type of Locality and Region
Livestock Institutions by Type of Housing Practiced, Type of Locality and Region
Livestock Institutions by Categories of Livestock, Type of Housing Practiced, Type of Locality and Region
Persons in Agricultural Institutions Engaged in Agriculture by Sex,Type of Agricultural Activity, Type of Locality and Region
Livestock Institutions by Categories of Livestock, Type of Tenure Arrangement and Region
Livestock Institutions by Categories of Livestock, Agro-ecological zone, Type of locality and Region
Livestock Institutions by Categories of Livestock, Purpose of Production, Type of locality and Region
Quantity of Produce from Livestock Institutions by Categories of Livestock, Livestock Produce and Region
Quantity (number) of Livestock Availability from Institutions by Categories of Livestock, Phases of Livestock Production, Type of Locality and Region
Quantity (number) of Livestock Off-take from Institutions by Categories of Livestock, Quantity of Livestock, Type of Locality and Region
Quantity (number) of Livestock Available from Institutions by Categories of Livestock, Quantity Available, Quantity Off-take, Type of Locality and Region
Quantity of Livestock Produced from Institutions by Categories of Livestock, Type of Locality and Region
Quantity of Livestock Sold from Institutions by Categories of Livestock, Type of Locality and Region
Cost of Livestock Production from Institutions by Categories of Livestock, Type of Locality and Region
Forest Trees from Institutions by Type of Market-Oriented Classification, Type of Locality and Region
Forest Trees from Institutions by Type of Policy-Oriented Classification, Type of Locality and Region
Forest Tree from Institutions by Type of Market-Oriented Classification, Land Tenure Arrangement and Region
Forest Tree from Institutions by Type of Policy-Oriented Classification, Land Tenure Arrangement and Region
Employees in Agricultural Institutions Engaged in Agriculture by Sex, Type of Agricultural Activity, Type of Locality and Region
Quantity (number) of Forest Trees Seedlings from Institutions by Type of Species, Type of Locality and Region
Quantity (number) of Forest Trees from Institutions by Type of Species, Type of Locality and Region
Forest Trees from Institutions by Land Size (acres) Type of Locality and Region
Forest Trees from Institutions by Type of Market-Oriented Classification, Land Size, Type of Locality and Region
Forest Trees from Institutions by Type of Policy-Oriented Classification, Land Size, Type of Locality and Region
Quantity of Forest Trees Produced from Institutions by Type of Market-Oriented Classification, Type of Locality and Region
Quantity of Forest Trees Produced from Institutions by Type of Policy-Oriented Classification, Type of Locality and Region
Quantity of Forest Trees Sold from Institutions by Type of Market-Oriented Classification, Type of Locality and Region
Quantity of Forest Trees Sold from Institutions by Type of Policy-Oriented Classification, Type of Locality and Region
Cost of Forest Trees Production from Institutions by Type of Market-Oriented Classification, Type of Locality and Region
Cost of Forest Trees Production from Institutions by Type of Policy-Oriented Classification, Type of Locality and Region
Farm Hands in Agricultural Institutions Engaged in Agriculture by Sex, Type of Agricultural Activity, Type of Locality and Region
Population in Agricultural Households by Sex, Nationality, Type of Locality and Region
Population in Agricultural Households by Sex, Disability Status, Type of Locality and Region
Population in Agricultural Households by Sex, Type of Disability, Type of Locality and Region
Population in Agricultural Households by Household Size, Type of Locality and Region
Population in Agricultural Households by Sex, Household Size, Age and Region
Persons 15 years or older engaged in Agricultural Activity by Sex, Age and Region
Population 15 years or older in Agricultural Households by Sex, Age and Region
Youth (15-35 years) engaged in agriculture by Sex, Age, Type of Locality and Region
Persons 15 years or older engaged in Agriculture by Sex, Educational Attainment, Type of Locality and Region
Persons 15 years or older engaged in Agriculture by Sex, Literacy Status and Language, Type of Locality and Region
Persons 15 years or older engaged in Agriculture by Sex, Relationship to the Head of Household, Type of Locality and Region
Population in Agricultural Households by Sex, Age, Type of Locality and Region
Persons 15 years or older engaged in Agriculture by Sex, Marital Status, Type of Locality and Region
Persons 15 years or older engaged in Agriculture by Sex, Nationality, Type of Locality and Region
Persons 15 years or older by Sex, Disability Status, Type of Locality and Region
Persons 15 years or older engaged in Agriculture by Sex, Type of Disability, Type of Locality and Region
Persons 15 years or older engaged in Agriculture by Household Size, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural holders 15 years or older by Sex, Age, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural holders 15 years or older who are youth (15-35 years) by Sex, Age, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural holders 15 years or older by Sex, Educational Attainment, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural holders 15 years or older by Sex, Literacy Status and Language, Type of Locality and Region
Youth (15-35 years) in Agricultural Households by Sex, Age, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural holders 15 years or older by Sex, Relationship to the Head of Household, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural holders 16 years or older by Sex, Marital Status, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Nationality, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Disability Status, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Disability, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural holders 15 years or older by Size of Household, Type of Locality and Region
Persons 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Agricultural Activity, Type of Locality and Region
Persons 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Agricultural Activity, Age, Type of Locality and Region
Persons 15 years or older by Sex, Number of Agriculture Activities, Age, Type of Locality and Region
Persons 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Agricultural Activity, Educational Attainment, Type of Locality and Region
Population 4 years or older in Agricultural Households by Sex, Educational Attainment, Type of Locality and Region
Persons 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Agricultural Activity, Literacy Status and Language, Type of Locality and Region
Persons 15 years or older by Type of Agricultural Activity, Nationality and Region
Persons 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Agricultural Activity, Disability Status, Type of Locality and Region
Persons 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Agricultural Activity, Type of Disability, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Agricultural Activity and Region
Agricultural holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Agricultural Activity, Age, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural holders 15 years or older by Sex, Main Agricultural Activity, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural holders 15 years or older by Sex, Number of Major Agriculture Activities, Age, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Agricultural Activity, Educational Attainment, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Agricultural Activity, Literacy Status and Language, Type of Locality and Region
Population 11 years or older in Agricultural Households by Sex, Literacy Status and Language, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural holders 15 years or older by Type of Agricultural Activity, Nationality, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Agricultural Activity, Disability Status, Type of Locality and Region
Agricultural holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Agricultural Activity, Type of Disability, Type of Locality and Region
Members of Agricultural Households by Sex, Relationship to the Head of Household, Type of Locality and Region
Population 16 years or older in Agricultural Households by Sex, Marital Status, Type of Locality and Region
Population 16 years or older in Agricultural Households by Sex, Marital Status, Age and Region
Population 16 years or older in Agricultural Households by Marital Status, Age, Type of Locality and Region
Land Tenure Type by Crop Type, Locality, and Region
Land Parcels for Arable Crop by Type of Tenure Arrangement, Type of Agricultural Activity, Sex, and Region
Land Parcels for Agriculture by Type of Tenure Arrangement, Sex, Status of Documentation, and Region
Land Parcels for Arable Crop by Type of Tenure Arrangement, Type of Agricultural Activity, Status of Documentation, and Region
Land Parcels for Agriculture by Size of Parcel, Sex, Type of Locality, and Region
Land Parcels for Arable Crop by Size of Parcel, Sex, Type of Locality, and Region
Land Parcels for Forest Trees by Size of Parcel, Sex, Type of Locality, and Region
Land Parcels for Tree Crop by Size of Parcel, Sex, Type of Locality, and Region
Agricultural Holders 15 Years or Older by Ownership and Use of Agricultural Equipment, Type of Equipment, Type of Locality, and Region
Agricultural Holders 15 Years or Older by Ownership and Use of Agricultural Equipment, Sex of Holder, Type of Locality, and Region
Agricultural Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Crop, Type of Locality, Sex, Type of Equipment, and Region
Agricultural Holders 15 Years or older by Type of Crop, Type of Locality, Sex, Type of Agricultural Equipment, and region
Agricultural Holders 15 Years or older by Type of Crop, Type of Locality, Sex of Holder, and region
Livestock Holders 15 Years or Older by Ownership and Use of Livestock Equipment, Type of Livestock Equipment, Type of Locality, Sex of Holder, and Region
Livestock Holders 15 Years or Older by Ownership and Use of Livestock Equipment, Type of Locality, Sex of Holder, and Region
Aquaculture Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Production Facility, Age, and Region
Aquaculture Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Species Produced, Ecological Zone of Holder, Sex, and Region
Aquaculture Holders 15 Years or Older by Production Facility, System of Production, Sex, and Region
Aquaculture Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Production Facility, System of Production, Type of Locality, and Region
Aquaculture Holders 15 Years or Older by Production Facility, Type of Production Establishment, and Region
Aquaculture Holders 15 Years or Older by Production Facility, Type of Land Tenure Arrangement, and Region
Cost of Production by Type of Species, Type of Locality, and Region
Quantity of Fish Produced by Type of Species, Scale of Production, Type of Locality, and Region
Quantity of Fish Sold by Type of Species, Type of Locality, and Region
Quantity of Fish by Type of Species, Type of Production Establishment, System of Production, and Region
Cost of Fish Produced by Type of Species, Agro-Ecological Zone, Sex, Region
Quantity of Fish Produced by Type of Species, Agro-Ecological Zone, Sex, Region
Quantity of Fish Sold by Type of Species, Agro-Ecological Zone, Sex, Region
Aquaculture Holders 15 Years or Older Type of Production System, Age, and Region
Aquaculture Holders 15-35 Years by Type of Production System, Age, and Region
Aquaculture Holders 15 Years or Older by Educational Attainment, Production Facility, and Region
Aquaculture Holders 15 Years or Older by Educational Attainment, System of Production, and Region
Aquaculture Holders 15 Years or Older by Educational Attainment, Type of Aquaculture Production Establishment, and Region
Aquaculture Holders 15 Years or Older by Language Literacy Status, Type of Production Facility, Sex, and Region
Aquaculture Holders 15 Years or Older by Disability Status, Type of Production Facility, Sex, and Region
Aquaculture Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Species Produced, Ecological Zone of Holder, Type of Locality, and Region
Capture fisheries holders 15 years or older by type of capture fisheries and type of locality, and by sex of holder
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Ownership of Vessel Used, Type of Capture Fisheries and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Ownership of Canoe, Type of Capture Fisheries, Sex, and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Ownership of Canoe, Type of Capture Fisheries, Sex, and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Fishing Vessel, Type of Fishing Gears and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Number of Fishing Trips Per Week, Type of Capture Fisheries, and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Number of Fishing Trips Per Week, Type of Vessel, and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Time Spent (Hours) on Fishing Trip, Type of Capture Fisheries, Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Time Spent (Hours) on Fishing Trip, Type of Fishing Vessels, Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Capture Fisheries, Type of Locality, Availability of Premix Fuel to Holders, and Region
Quantity of Fish (MTS) by Type of Vessels, Type of Capture Fisheries, Quantity (Landed and Sold), and Region
Value of Fish Landings (GH₵) by Type of Capture Fisheries, Type of Vessel, and Region
Quantity of All Species of Capture fisheries (MTS) by Type of Capture Fisheries, Quantity (Landed and sold), and Region
Quantity of Marine Fish (MTS) by Type of Species, Quantity (Landed and sold), and Region
Quantity of Inland Fish (Landed (Mt) and Sold) by Type of Capture Fisheries, Quantity, and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Age, Sex, Type of Vessels Used (Canoe), Type of Locality and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Age, Sex, Type of Capture Fisheries Used (Inland), Type of Locality and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Age, Sex, Type of Capture Fisheries Used (Marine), Type of Locality and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Age, Sex, Type of Vessels Used (Semi-industrial vessel), Type of Locality and Region
Value of All Species of Inland Fish by Type of Capture Fisheries, Value of Quantity (Landed and Sold), and Region
Value of Marine Species by Fish Species, Value of Quantity (Landed and Sold), and Region
Value of All Species Fisheries (GH₵) by Type of Capture Fisheries, Value of Quantity of Sold and Landed Fishes, and by Region
Quantity (MTS) from Capture Fisheries Institutions in Landed Fishing by Type of Landed Fish Species, Quantity (Landed and Sold), and Region
Value of Marine Fish (GH₵) by Type of Species, Value of Quantity of Sold and Landed Fishes, and by Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15-35 Years (Youth) by Age, Sex, Type of Vessels Used (Canoe), Type of Locality and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15-35 Years (Youth) by Age, Sex, Type of Capture Fisheries (Inland), Type of Locality and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15-35 Years (Youth) by Age, Sex, Type of Capture Fisheries (Marine), Type of Locality and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15-35 Years (Youth) by Age, Sex, Type of Vessels Used (Semi-industrial vessel), Type of Locality and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Educational Attainment, Sex, and by Type of Vessels Used (Canoe), Type of Locality and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Educational Attainment, Sex, and by Type of Capture Fisheries (Inland), Type of Locality and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Educational Attainment, Sex, and by Type of Capture Fisheries (Marine), Type of Locality and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Educational Attainment, Sex, and by Type of Vessels Used (Semi-Industrial Vessel), Type of Locality and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Language Literacy Status, Sex, and by Type of Vessels Used (Canoe), Type of Locality and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Nationality, Sex, Type of Capture Fisheries Used, and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Language Literacy Status, Sex, and by Type of Capture Fisheries (Inland), Type of Locality and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Language Literacy Status, Sex, and by Type of Capture Fisheries (Marine), Type of Locality and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Language Literacy Status, Sex, and by Type of Vessels Used (Semi-Industrial Vessel), Type of Locality and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Nationality, Sex, Type of Capture Fisheries Used, and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Nationality, Sex, Type of Vessels Used, and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Disability_status, Sex, Type of Capture Fisheries Used, and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Disability_status, Sex, Type of Vessels Used, and Region
Capture Fisheries Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Capture Fisheries and Type of Locality, and by Migration Status
Paid Employees 15 Years or Older by Type of Capture Fisheries, Type of Locality, Sex, and Region
Persons Engaged 15 Years or Older by Type of Capture Fisheries, Type of Locality, Sex, and Region
Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Locality, Sex, and Region
Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Types of Arable Crop, Sex, Type of Cropping System, Type of Locality, and Region
Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Top 25 most Cultivated Crops, Sex of Holder, Type of Locality, and Region
Starchy Staple Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Starchy Staple Crop, Type of Cropping System, Type of Locality, and Region
Pulses and Legumes Holders 15 Years or Older by Types of Pulses and Legumes Crop, Type of Cropping System, Type of Locality, and Region
Herbs, Spices and Condiment Holders 15 Years or Older by Types of Herbs Spices and Condiment Crop, Type of Cropping System, Type of Locality, and Region
Horticultural Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Types of Horticultural Crops, Type of Cropping System, Type of Locality, and Region
Non-Leafy Vegetable Holders 15 Years or Older by Types of Horticultural Crops, Type of Cropping System, Type of Locality, and Region
Leafy Vegetable Holders 15 Years or Older by Types of Leafy Vegetable Crops, Type of Cropping System, Type of Locality, and Region
Industrial Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Types of Industrial Crops, Type of Cropping System, Type of Locality, and Region
Land Parcels used in Cultivating Arable Crop by Type of Land Tenure Arrangement, and by Type of Locality of Holder, and Region
Land Parcels used in Cultivating Arable Crop by Type of Land Tenure Arrangement, and by Sex of Holder, and Region
Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Arable Crop, Type of Locality, Sex, and Region
Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Arable Crop, Sex, Type of Land Tenure Arrangement, and Region
Starchy Staple Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Types of Staechy Staple Crop, Type of Land Tenure Arrangement, Sex, and Region
Pulses and Legumes Holders 15 Years or Older by Types of Pulses and Legumes, Type of Land Tenure Arrangement, Sex, and Region
Herbs, Spices and Condiment Holders 15 Years or Older by Types of Herbs, Spices and Condiment Crops, Type of Land Tenure Arrangement, Sex, and Region
Horticultural Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Types of Horticultural Crops, Type of Land Tenure Arrangement, Sex, and Region
Leafy Vegetable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Types of Leafy Vegetable Crops, Type of Land Tenure Arrangement, Sex, and Region
Non-Leafy Vegetable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Types of Non-Leafy Vegetable Crops, Type of Land Tenure Arrangement, Sex, and Region
Industrial Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Types of Industrial Crops and Ornamentals, Type of Land Tenure Arrangement, Sex, and Region
Land Parcels for Agriculture by Land Size (acres), and Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Land Parcels for Agriculture by Type of Cropping System, Land Size (acres), Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Types of Arable Crop, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Region
Fertilizer Use by Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Cropping System, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Irrigation Use by Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Cropping System, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Pesticide Use by Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Cropping System, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Fertilizer Use by Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Cropping System, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Fertilizer Use by Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Locality, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Irrigation Use by Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Locality, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Pesticide Use by Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Locality, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Fertilizer Use by Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Locality, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Fertilizer Use by Starchy Staple Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Starchy Staple Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Irrigation Use by Starchy Staple Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Starchy Staple Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Pesticide Use by Starchy Staple Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Starchy Staple Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Fertilizer Use by Starchy Staple Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Starchy Staple Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Fertilizer Use by Pulses and Legume Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Pulses and Legume, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Irrigation Use by Pulses and Legume Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Pulses and Legume, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Pesticide Use by Pulses and Legume Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Pulses and Legume, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Fertilizer Use by Pulses and Legume Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Pulses and Legume, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Fertilizer Use by Herbs, Spices and Condiment Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Herbs, Spices and Condiment, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Irrigation Use by Herbs, Spices and Condiment Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Herbs, Spices and Condiment, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Pesticide Use by Herbs, Spices and Condiment Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Herbs, Spices and Condiment, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Protective Cover Use by Herbs, Spices and Condiment Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Herbs, Spices and Condiment, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Fertilizer Use by Horticulture Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Horticulture Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Irrigation Use by Horticulture Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Horticulture Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Pesticide Use by Horticulture Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Horticulture Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Protective Cover Use by Horticulture Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Horticulture Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Fertilizer Use by Leafy Vegetable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Leafy Vegetable Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Irrigation Use by Leafy Vegetable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Leafy Vegetable Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Pesticide Use by Leafy Vegetable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Leafy Vegetable Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Protective Cover Use by Leafy Vegetable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Leafy Vegetable Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Fertilizer Use by Non-Leafy Vegetable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Non-Leafy Vegetable Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Irrigation Use by Non-Leafy Vegetable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Non-Leafy Vegetable Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Pesticide Use by Non-Leafy Vegetable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Non-Leafy Vegetable Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Protective Cover Use by Non-Leafy Vegetable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Non-Leafy Vegetable Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Fertilizer Use by Industrial Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Industrial Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Irrigation Use by Industrial Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Industrial Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Pesticide Use by Industrial Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Industrial Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Protective Cover Use by Industrial Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Industrial Crop, Sex, Type of Arable Crop, and Region
Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Arable Crop, Purpose of Production, Sex, Type of Locality, and Region
Arable Crop Holders 15-35 years(Youth) by Types of Arable Crop, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Region
Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Arable Crop, Ecological Zone, Sex, Type of Locality, and Region
Cost of Production (GH₵) for Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Scale, Type of Locality,and Region
Quantity (mts) of Arable Crop Type Produced by Holders 15 Years or Older by Scale of Production, Type of Locality, and Region
Quantity (mts) of Arable Crop Type Sold by Holders 15 Years or Older by Quantity Sold, Type of Locality, and Region
Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Educational Attainment, Sex, Types of Arable Crop, Type of Locality, and Region
Percentage of Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Educational Attainment, Sex, and Region
Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Language Literacy Status of Holders, Sex, Types of Arable Crop, Type of Locality, and Region
Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Nationality of the Holders, Types of Arable Crop, Type of Locality, and Region
Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Disability Status of Holder, Sex, Types of Arable Crop, Type of Locality, and Region
Arable Crop Holders 15 Years or Older by Type of Disability of Holder, Sex, Types of Arable Crop, Type of Locality, and Region
Tree Crop Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Crop, Age and Region
Land parcels by Type of Crop, Land Size (acres) and Region
Land parcels by Type of Crop, Type of Locality and Region
Tree Crop Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Crop, Use of fertilizer and Region
Tree Crop Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Crop, Use of Pesticides and Region
Tree Crop Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Crop, Use of Irrigation and Region
Tree Crop Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Crop, Availability of Nursery and Region
Tree Crop Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Crop, Agro-Ecological Zone and Region
Quantity Produced (mts) from Tree Crop by Type of Crop, Scale of Production and Region
Quantity Sold (mts) from Tree Crop by Type of Crop, Scale of Production and Region
Cost of Production (GHC) from Tree Crop by Type of Crop, Scale of Production and Region
Quantity Produced (mts) from Tree Crop by Type of Crop, Type of Locality, Scale of Production and Region
Quantity Sold (mts) from Tree Crop by Type of Crop, Type of Locality, Scale of Production and Region
Cost of Production (GHC) from Tree Crop by Type of Crop, Type of Locality, Scale of Production and Region
Tree crop holders 15-35 years (youth) by Sex, Type of Crop, Age and Region
Tree Crop Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Crop, Educational Attainment and Region
Tree crop holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Crop, Literacy Status and Language, and Region
Tree crop holders 15 years or older by Type of Crop, Nationality and Region
Tree Crop Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Crop, Disability Status and Region
Tree Crop Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Crop, Type of Disability and Region
Tree Crop Holders 15 years or older by Sex, Type of Crop, Type of Cropping System and Region
Land Parcels by Sex of Holder, Type of Crop, Type of Land Tenure Arrangement and Region
Tenure/Holding Arrangement Of Dwelling Unit by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Time Taken to Get to the Main Source of Drinking Water by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Toilet Facility of Households by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Levels of Toilet Service used byHouseholds by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Type of Drop Hole for Households by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Monthly International Trade
Ghana International Merchandise Trade in GHC, USD, and KG - by Year, Month, Tradeflow, and 10-digit HS code
Ghana International Merchandise Trade in GHC, USD, and KG - by Year, Month, Tradeflow, Product Classification, 2-digit HS code, and Partner Country
Type of Dwelling Unit by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Type of Residence of Households by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Unemployment Rate by Age, Sex, Region, Type of Locality and Education
Unemployment rate of population (15 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Education, and Sex
Use of Internet on Mobile Phone in Last 3 months of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Use of Internet on Tablet in Last 3 months of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Use of Internet on Laptop in Last 3 months of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Use of Internet on Desktop Computer in Last 3 months of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Use of Internet on Digital Television in Last 3 months of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Use of Internet on an Other Digital Device in Last 3 months of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
No Use of Internet on Any Device in Last 3 months of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Use of Functional Smartphone in Last 3 months of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Use of Functional Phone (Non-Smartphone) in Last 3 months of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Use of Functional Cordless Phone in Last 3 months of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Use of Functional Tablet in Last 3 months of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Use of Functional Laptop in Last 3 months of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Use of Functional Desktop in Last 3 months of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Use of Functional Radio in Last 3 months of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Use of Any Functional IT device in Last 3 months of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Use of Mobile Phone for Financial Transactions of Population (6 years and older) by District, Region, Type of Locality, Age, Sex, and Education
Population 15 Years and Older In Vulnerable Employment by Sex, Age, Locality, Region and Education
Main Construction Material of Outer Wall of Dwelling Unit by District, Region, and Type of Locality
Method of Waste Water Disposal for Households by District, Region, and Type of Locality